Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Paradise on 'The Beach' & You've Gotta Love the Heat

I first watched 'The Beach' in my first year of uni, sitting in halls with my flatmates enjoying one of many a dvd night in, with a hot chocolate, snuggled underneath our duvets. Cosy don't you think? Yes it was.....we didn't have to worry about how long we were going to put the heating on or anything like that as it was all included. Not like now the house that we now rent in second year. Sadly heating = two hours a day. Booo!

Anyway, this year I brought it out again to find that I loved the film just as much as I did the first time I watched. I could actually watch it over and over again, and no not just for Leonard Di Caprio....although he is obviously one of the reasons. I love everything about it, the storyline, how Richard the young American backpacker sets off in search of the secret island of paradise off the coast of Thailand. Along the way he meets many interesting people, some who are crazy and some that he remain in touch with and become good friends! I for one would absolutely love to go travelling and think that The Beach is the ultimate film to set off your imagination and long to be adventurous.

There are many famous and not so famous songs that feature in the film, such as the All Saints Pure Shores, which yes I am a fan of. Leftfield's Snakeblood song, which features at the beginning of the film when Richard is amongst the hustle and bustle of the busy city of Bangkok. Then there is the song Porcelain by Moby, which I think is an amazing song. It very much has a sort of feeling of moving on but with a good vibe to it, as if you have reached an ultimate goal and the feeling is quite difficult to describe. I think it fits so well with the scene of reaching the paradise island. If you haven't seen the film then go ahead watch it! If not for the storyline and soundtracks but just for a bit of Leo!

The lyrics, "I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to cry, So this is goodbye, This is goodbye" gives the impression of sadness in a way but has quite a peacful feel to it. It's as if acceptance for something is being expressed within the song. In a way it is like how our house have now accepted that it is ok to have the heating on for a little bit each day! With the piano rhythms and pulsating string samples and then wandering solos by Moby all in all a beautiful song I think......wouldn't you agree? Here is the video...have a listen for yourself.

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